quinta-feira, 13 de junho de 2013

Um modelo diferente de desenvolvimento para o Brics (Brasil)

disponivel na AMAZON.COM livros de autoria de prof Msc Roberto da Silva Rocha Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

Blogger-Um modelo diferente de desenvolvimento para o Brics (Brasil)

Estamos vivendo um novo tempo para a humanidade em que uma agenda inteiramente nova se coloca, onde ingredientes indispensáveis não podem ser mais ignorados por nenhum governo, partido político e pelas instituições públicas e privadas.
Esta nova agenda já vem pronta e não se pode adiá-la mais. Teremos que construir modelos de administração pública e de comportamento social baseados numa nova era onde não podemos virar as costas para a:
Vermelha tinha 7.705 estudantes freqüentando universidades de 14 países, a maioria na Rússia.
A finalidade do Plano era pôr a China a par do mundo "naqueles ramos da ciência e da tecnologia que são essenciais à economia nacional".
A investigação no campo da teoria científica ou "ciência pura" era considerada secundária.
Calculando que seriam necessários cerca de 500 cientistas dos mais aptos e 800 engenheiros para a realização dos projetos de produção de energia nuclear, a contribuição teórica seria, provavelmente, retardada durante alguns anos.

sexta-feira, 7 de junho de 2013

The Invention of human society by women

disponivel na AMAZON.COM livros de autoria de prof Msc Roberto da Silva Rocha Roberto da Silva Rocha, professor universitário e cientista político

The Invention of human society by women

"Home of society: marked as a 'first revolution', the construction of shelters and the constitution of families determine the end of nomadism. The language derives tribal characteristics and this was a time of relative happiness, with the appearance of love. The evils insurgents are vanity and comparison. "Jean Jacques Rousseau - Discourse on the origins and foundations of inequality of human society ...

Theorists of Economic Science built a interesting anthropological hypothesis about the origin of agriculture, animal husbandry and captive breeding of small domestic animals for the food supply.

This theory says that there are about 50 thousand years off the female homo sapiens who invented the domestic economy, agriculture, spoken language, the creation of domestic animals, created the home, created the first mobile home.

The male homo sapiens did not participate this time of domestic life, which was formed by the group of women, children and human babies. 

We know that for sure because only in the last five thousand years of human culture began to establish the association between heterosexual sex and reproduction.

Then the male sapiens entirely ignorant family life as we know it today, consists of a heterosexual couple as a sire of the human species.

This fact is the basis of the history of human culture.

In his loneliness historical, wandering the wilderness, spending about nine months pregnant and having to take care of the offspring during periods of postpartum female sapiens had to take care of themselves just your partner, since the male thought he had nothing to do with that embarrassing situation in which human females sexually mature every nine months went involved.

After the postpartum period was long time lactating human baby. Solitarily.

Sex for male homo sapiens was indistinct: men, women, old, young, sisters, aunts, mothers, grandmothers nothing escaped because no one had established the foundations of the family, because the male sapiens lived hunting, traveling, nomadic, and collecting food fortune, in groups men males sapiens, sometimes returning to the circle where he was born casually.

How to fix the male near the female and segregate it from the group of males, become sedentary them?

This was the challenge of females sapiens.

So females sapiens could not constantly monitor sapiens males in their journey of hunting and collecting food fortune, because they were always pregnant, lactating or carrying their young, their household junk, without knowing who the fathers of their offspring, - if they could associate the sexual act to the act of pregnancy - females cleverly created some behavioral tactics that together has become a very effective strategy to solve this problem:

a) invented the concept of female beauty;
b) invented the family;
c) invented love;
d) invented the male-female sexuality;
e) invented marriage;
f) invented fidelity;
g) invented the home;
h) invented agriculture;
i) invented the creation of domestic animals;
j) invented the Economy;
k) invented private property;
l) invented savings;
m) invented the rules of morality and ethics;
n) invented religion;
o) invented human culture;
p) invented male pride, after feminism.

With that created attractive to males sapiens are interested in staying close to the females and offspring sapiens females without knowing who had involvement in that genetic reproduction process, a priori, so the females had to create many interesting attractions to males exchanged their freedom of silkworm by nomadic sedentary along the offspring that he would not assume as if it were your quota genetics.

How many feminine ingenuity!

The concept of beauty is a female invention, according to the philosopher Rousseau, when the prehistory the human female created it to be distinguished from other other females to hold and draw the attention of the male of the species homo.

It turns out that the male was prehistoric nomadic and promiscuous. For male every woman was equal, without distinction, either would do, except for a possible illness or old age.

Had not yet been established at that time in culture and biology co-relation of cause and made between sex, male pregnancy and reproduction.

Happened that females also unfaithful and promiscuous as males, passed three times in their lives when they needed the presence companion who were at the very end of pregnancy, childbirth, and during suckling pups, when they needed to be helped in childbirth and the postpartum phase to carry out their activities.

Thus the female to invent the family, and consequently the moral love, while the male only known physical love, sex, casual.

Then the female beauty invented, beginning to preen to attract the male and become sedentary him to remember that he always female, show that she was different from other females, beautiful, wearing adornments, taking care of the hair, calling attention to body parts and their identity that was mainly your face, thus starting a competition with other females for male attention.

The females started to check things that attracted more males in their bodies to highlight them, and hide the parts considered less attractive, to create emotional bonds and moral.

Thus was invented the concept of beauty.

That engineering!

A woman invented the family, moral love, beauty, monogamy, jealousy, to maintain exclusivity and loyalty through male affection.

The woman, to escape the stress of hunting domesticated animals that served food, to escape the foraging dug and transplanted some vegetables and realized that they could live and grow, thus inventing agriculture and saving walks by stops to collect food.

Males in their hunts needed the element of surprise, so badly emit noises that could fend off prey. In contrast, females constantly sapiens needed to communicate permanently, continuously, then the invented speech spoken language.

Women established the first rules of morality to organize access to new sex toy female, for it came to toast the invention of feminine sensuality, unlike the folklore about the tomahawk and male rape, the woman now turned into a commodity and needed to enhance sexual access to it with rules that allow and forbid sex between relatives, between men, between women and children.

Was invented morality, tradition, ethics, then religion was the next step.

The woman lived in a privileged situation in the pre-technology when work meant breaking rocks with sledge hammer, not as it is now, when working behind a computer keyboard or a truck with an automatic transmission and power steering that even a quadriplegic can drive.

The woman invented for male pride or suspect that he was the slave labor: hunt, kill, do everything for the family in exchange for the glory, otherwise, would not deserve the title of male strong, brave, powerful.

The Psychologism Rousseau in his 'Discourse on the Origin of Inequality Human', is an essay on the process of formation of the liberal state that the value of private property and the social contract that founded the liberal state.
The landmark creation of society and the liberal state, for Rousseau, was when it appeared the differentiation of social classes, that was the moment when the female sapiens became a farmer began to accumulate or save for future use, the product collection and agriculture, forming a first equity.

From the moment that the human pair of male and female sapiens stopped being nomadic and besieged / delimited piece of land for himself and said "this is mine" then came there, at that moment, liberal society, the state came Liberal founded on the recognition of private property by an authority created to take care of the property right.
According to Rousseau the social nature of man is not a skill or natural feature, the state of nature [6] characterized by sufficiency of wild instinct, unlike the state of society characterized by sufficiency of Enlightenment reason, positivist, above instinct.

The natural man is amoral, not vices or virtues understands, no need of society or the state.
The principle of society, and the vices, came up with the possession of goods, namely, when it was declared the first private property arose when the differentiation between rich and poor, between owners and non-owners.

Therefore, inequality is almost nil in the state of wild nature (the pre-socialized) man, inequalities resulted society, social interactions, and when it comes to society, there is talk of inequality, there is talk of poverty and wealth, according to Rousseau.

To Robert Mitchels [7] when it comes to organization, there is talk of hierarchy when it comes to hierarchy, there is talk of social differentiation, speaks in privileges, so there is talk of elites: there can be no democracy in a hierarchical system organized according Mitchels, for Rousseau, there can be no democracy out of the wild, ie, society is immanently undemocratic according to Rousseau.

Born of social life: wealth, poverty, beauty or lust, domination, bondage, passion romanticized. Property arose the need for cooperation, in principle, possible, then, short and medium range, then long-term giving rise building society, the state and the social pact or social contract.
Rousseau The paradox consists in the denial of the principle of Mandeville [8] where the latter defends the logic of individual reason as primum movens the individual, despite the fact that this would lead to collective rationality where collective rationality result of the sum of individual logic necessarily .
To deny the principle of rationality mandeviliana Rousseau denies any rationality derived from society, because the man would only be rational outside of society, on the principle that social inequalities do not keep any relationship with the individual skills that differentiate individuals, ie not are the virtues or vices that would create social differentiation. The social differentiation, according to Rousseau, virtues are created by and for the artificial society baseless and fictitious in nature. "Inequality is not legitimate from the standpoint of natural" [9].

 It is the effect social group that would create the qualities and defects of socioeconomic differentiation of individuals.

Says the Holy Bible that the man's work was a result of the disobedience of Adam's wife, Eve, who took the male to experience the forbidden fruit and thus was condemned to endless hard work, because the seduction of Eve who led Adam to eating fruit and this seduced and enchanted by Eve committed the sin realy.

There was envious of the happiness of men, the evil one has used the serpent to seduce. The snake, which was the most cunning of all the beasts of the earth said to Eve: Why God has forbidden you to eat of the fruit of paradise? Eva said: We can eat all except the tree which is in the paradise, it was God who ordered and also than we played, but to die.

The serpent said: No way will die, and God knows this very well, but rather, if you eat thereof you shall be like God, know good and evil. Eve then found that a fruit so beautiful and attractive sight should also be tasty, had no more doubt reaped a ate and then offered her husband Adam who was near, than to not make it undone ate. By eating the fruit they realized they were naked and cover themselves loincloths made of fig leaves.

God Punishes Sin:

Upon hearing the voice of God hid under the trees. Then God called Adam, Adam where are you? Adam said: I was afraid because I was naked and I hid myself. God said, Who told you that you were naked? Hast thou eaten of the forbidden tree? Adam said: The woman who gave me as a companion offered me and I ate. God spoke to Eve: Why did you do this? Eva said: The serpent deceived me.

God cursed the serpent saying, Why hast thou done this will be cursed among all other animals will walk crawling on your chest and eat the dust all the days of thy life, establish enmity between thee and the woman, and between your offspring and hers She will crush your head and you procurarás bite her heel.

God also said to Eve, will suffer a lot because of your children and you shall be under the authority of the husband.

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Adão e Eva no ParaísoAdão e Eva no ParaísoAdão e Eva no ParaísoAdão e Eva no ParaísoAdão e Eva no Paraíso
Adão e Eva no ParaísoAdão e Eva no ParaísoAdão e Eva no ParaísoAdão e Eva no ParaísoAdão e Eva no Paraíso
Adão e Eva no ParaísoAdão e Eva no ParaísoAdão e Eva no ParaísoAdão e Eva no ParaísoAdão e Eva no Paraíso

Work up to two hundred years ago it was considered only a punishment for the poor and illiterate, could not status, as today seeking women, who lived like true queens-of-household, the greater stewardship ..

With so many mishaps in the way of your success in the world of work outside the home, the women, the pair discover the savagery of the competition in the labor market, has yet to face as a minority segment, all preconceptions and expectations of the professional market minimizers about his ability not yet fully tested and proven in areas where it is absent, fleeing the hard work, then yes, protected by tradition and religion of drudgery, as still happens today in the hard areas in motor racing, motorcycling, areas engineering, finally in areas considered "hard" human activity, as it has always done throughout history, when the male gender wars broke stones and made with the hammer and the sword, before the inventions of the jackhammer and the guided missile, computerized , sneaky and clever.

The greatest invention of the social evolution of mankind was the discovery (or invention) of the division of social labor in the industrial era and the invention of the division of tasks such as assembly line manufacturing and in services.

What do you mean: before the primitive being had to be versatile, doing everything in complete autonomy. Had to build the house, fish, hunt, make their tools, clothes, finally do everything.

The men created almost everything that exists in modern life without allowing the lower female participation, as created, among other things: Submarine; Steamship, Airplanes, Cars, Computer Operating Systems and digitized analog to computerized devices, helicopters, propeller Generators Electrical, Welding, Ballpoint pen, washing machine, hair dryers, electric ceramic, semiconductor Microprocessors, invented / discovered the Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Geography, Philosophy, Psychology, Medicine, Anthropology, Sociology, Astronautics, Astrology, Engineering and finally, have left almost nothing for women to discover or invent.

This fact has left women in a situation such that they are unable to prove their intellectual qualities by the total absence of any opportunity left by males.

Just when inflection of civilization when virtually the entire human physical work could be completely replaced by computerized machines, by robots, for example, has existed for more than two decades without a single soul industries, manufacturing as a train-the- plane landing in Australia without a single human presence and remotely controlled from the control center for Boeing in Seattle in EUAN.

Other examples: interplanetary spacecraft Curiosity landed on the soil of Mars Planet Solar automatically by the radio signals that could control it would not arrive there on Mars time to monitor and control the landing, monitor the approach and landing maneuvers by these signals traveling at the speed of light would even spacecraft with a delay of more than sixteen minutes!

Even the human intellectual work is in crisis. Computerised systems generate programming codes replace and in some cases exceed the human intellectual and physical capacity, such as systems called "case" to design, write, document, analyze, and deploy information systems in integers computerized network coded in PHP, Oracle , Java, Javascript, better than any system analysts or computer programmers human could do!

The CAD Computer Aided Design systems are engineering projects with a perfection beyond the most skilled human designer.

What does this mean?

Means that after more than eight thousand years of complete absence of women during the scientific and technological achievements of human civilization, when the male gender role was in creating all science and 99.9999% of the patents, inventions and scientific discoveries and historical works of art, then on the complete absence of the other gender, that all watched passively, come, now, at the height of the hegemony of humanity before the advent of intelligent machines, compete in the estate of the decay of humanity, translated in achievement that comes down change in the role of housewife by occupation outside the home.

That would be the greatest achievement of women? Replace the narrowness of the perspective of the home life of the narrow perspective of life subordinated to the slave system disguised as wage labor for most of these new workers?

To achieve the best jobs in the labor market that really count and worth of this exchange of occupation, women need to be your own boss, or be your own boss. In the first case, need financial capital, in the second case need intellectual capital. In both cases need to choose between motherhood and professional activity outside the home.

 Thus, motherhood would be postponed or deleted, or supplied by another woman: the babysitter home.

There is no historical fact proving the theory that man historically oppressed woman leaving her in this state of total submission and such unimportance that needed an international movement of liberation and liberalization. It would be a sexist conspiracy transnational and intertemporal at a time when the continents nor imagined stocks each other in ages pre colonization (pre-Columbian) and pre discoveries Indies, the Americas and Africa.

It has long been with the division of tasks can rely on organic solidarity-social mechanics that allows us to we change tasks / products for financial remuneration, and find products and services offered in the call market, although not a very fair and equitable (for That Karl Marx and other philosophers protested against the injustices of this asymmetric division of social labor, but this is subject to many wars and discussions, including Jesus and many other critics of the social structure).

In this division of social labor realized that there are no unimportant roles expendable-socially, although wages are unequal, socially speaking the work of scavengers is as important as the doctor or engineer or administrator.

Modern society depends on to function interdependently and it needs each of these roles, see it in the 80s of the last millennium Germany had to encourage the entry of Turkish migrants to fill labor shortages labor of carpenters, street sweepers, plumbers etc ... they were welcome and had very good compensation for total lack of interest from well educated Germans who did not wish to take up these functions but low social status, that there are no social life became impossible in Germany.

When the woman realized he should try to change their participation in the social division of labor including the role of mother then yes put at risk the survival of the human species for the first time throughout the existence of mankind.

Without the mother and stay-at-home male would not have time to invent all the technology today offers to society.

I do not know how it will be in the future, but it seems that Karl Marx was right: even if you paid the same wage for the doctor and for garbage people, we would still have doctors and street cleaners, but the company would have to learn it to review the social status scavenging and physicians.

For me it happens with respect to current social role of women: they just want to be valued in their roles as mothers and wives, nothing more, for the world of work is nothing glamorous, except to the chiefs, entrepreneurs and for some professions and views, and this will be perceived by the women who work out, but too late, then the damage is done and will be hard to go back to the social roles prior to the feminist revolution, like some under-employed workers have painfully discovered.

The woman tamed and domesticated plants, animals and male civilizing him and educating him, making the male human being that he is now, through the establishment of religion, the cult of the dead, morality, love moral aesthetics, social rituals and ethics.

The woman created human civilization.

Seems to me that backfired historic revolver girly! The woman always wore the charismatic domination and sexual control and exercise their power over the male; forced him to make war, to rule the world and be a trailblazer stimulating his machismo, his courage and fearlessness, we males is that worked, fished, hunted, killed and died in 99% of cases, they always chose your partner and choose the result was a natural selection that resulted in males taller and stronger than females in sexual dimorphism caused by this female behavior at the time of mating with the male, the weak and shorties were not great odds, they now seek the successful intellectually and economically, but this effort synesthesia submissive slave and was the Industrial Revolution which began in England macho, with order to reduce the human work-men, in some cases to replace it by steam engines and electrical, and in the case of computing was the new era of technological revolution in making computers that calculate better than humans could. In short, the score X man woman turned on the timeline, after 2.5 million years ago, but the feminists want to return the difference.